Credit card limit increases are not permanent. After you swipe your card to make a purchase, the bank will adjust your credit limit accordingly. But now credit card limit increases can sometimes be approved, and banks will generally let you know within a month whether your credit limit meets the limit increase requirements. Under normal circumstances, it will take about a week after your credit card limit increase application is approved, but the bank will give you a score based on your card usage, and the installment will be longer. Otherwise, it will be the same as yours. Otherwise it will be the same as you.
Gong Xiaofei
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Credit card limit increases are not permanent. After you swipe your card to make a purchase, the bank will adjust your credit limit accordingly. If you swipe your card to make purchases 6 times a month, the bank will increase your amount for large purchases accordingly. Bank regulations vary every month, and the limit is basically raised in one month. Then you can apply to the bank to increase the limit, which usually takes 3 months. If you apply for a quota increase through the customer service hotline, the quota will be increased quickly.