Cash advance loans will incur corresponding fees and interest. Handling fee: The handling fee for domestic RMB cash advances is 1% of the amount of each cash advance. The minimum charge is RMB 10 per transaction. The handling fee for overseas (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) cash advances is 3% of the amount of each cash advance. To calculate the handling fee, the minimum charge is RMB 30 or US$3 per transaction;
Interest: Cash advance transactions do not enjoy interest-free repayment treatment, and will be charged at a daily interest rate of 0.05% from the transaction date. Interest will be compounded on a monthly basis until the repayment date.
If you have other questions, it is recommended that you consult "Customer Service Online"/cmu/icslogin.aspx?from=B&logincmu=0. Thank you for your attention and support!