Friends who have used credit cards know that credit cards have interest-free periods, accumulated points, and many preferential activities.
There will be more and more credit cards during the Spring Festival. How to use credit cards to save money?
Almost everyone who has a credit card has heard that credit cards can manage finances and save money, but they are not Know how to do it.
Today, let’s talk about how foodies can use credit cards to save money during the Spring Festival.
There will definitely be bank promotions during the Spring Festival, so you can take advantage of them at this time.
CITIC Bank has launched a special card for foodies. Cardholders can swipe the card to avoid annual fees, collect points, etc.
New users can also get food coupons when they sign up for a card. If you don’t make good use of this time, how long will it take?
If you go to some Western-style fast food (Pizza Hut and Ramen) during the Spring Festival, you can use the Agricultural Bank of China card. Their credit card cooperates with some merchants, and users can enjoy a 50% discount.
There is also a bank that uses points in exchange for delicious food. This is a characteristic of China Merchants Bank. Vouchers are also available every Wednesday.
You have to consume anyway, and you can save money, so why not?