There are two kinds of credit cards issued by many banks, one is a physical card, and the other is a virtual credit card. The latter has no physical card, but it can still be overdrawn and cashed, and it must be repaid after use. And many people want to know how to repay the virtual credit card. What if the card is wrong? Let's take a look. 1. how to repay the virtual credit card? Virtual credit card is a virtual account number derived from the BIN code on the bank card. Without a physical card, it can be used for payment and settlement. Cardholders can use the virtual credit card to swipe their cards for consumption and cash withdrawal, and must repay within a specified time. The repayment method is different from that of the physical card. We know that physical cards can be paid in cash by inserting cards into ATM machines, and can also be paid by transfer. The virtual card can only be repaid by transfer. For example, you can open the savings card of mobile banking at will, log in to the mobile banking and select the transfer function, and receive the card number, bank, cardholder name, etc. of the virtual credit card, and repay according to the prompt.
2. what should I do if I return the money to the virtual credit card? If the same bank has returned the wrong card, you may wish to call the bank's credit card service hotline and transfer it to manual customer service, and ask if you can transfer the wrong money from the virtual credit card to other credit cards; If you can't, or if the credit card to be repaid belongs to another bank, you can only withdraw the money from the ATM by yourself. There are two ways to withdraw cash, one is to withdraw cash without a card, and the other is to withdraw cash by scanning code, both of which must be operated on ATM machines with the function of withdrawing cash without a card or scanning code at the outlets of virtual credit card issuers. Pay attention to the withdrawal amount, withdrawal fee and so on.