Yes, what just happened was the weekend of April 22nd and 23rd, the May 1st holiday, and the May 678 weekend. I went to Macau for three consecutive weekends. I swiped the card at the pawn shop and picked it up at the ATM. Now, the bank's online loan now shows that the peer blacklist cannot be entered. I printed out the credit report and saw that there is no problem. Now I guess the only reason is that I have frequently withdrawn cash and swiped the card in Macau in the past three weeks (actually I only swiped the card a few times, and the number of cash withdrawals was a bit high, all of which were 3,000 each). Because I don’t know which bank it is from, the customer service center of each bank I called has sworn that there is no problem with their bank. Now I don’t know which bank’s peer blacklist it is, or is it the People’s Bank of China?