1, spending more on credit cards. The main purpose of credit card is to spend money by swiping the card, and you can enjoy an interest-free period for a certain period of time, and sometimes there are some discounts. In addition, the accumulated points of the annual fee-free credit card are related to the number of swipes, so you should always use the credit card to spend.
2. You can enjoy the longest interest-free period by swiping your card after the bill. The interest-free repayment period of credit cards is from the date of consumption to the final repayment date, with the longest and shortest difference of one month. You can enjoy the longest interest-free period by swiping your card after the bill is paid.
3. Try not to withdraw cash by credit card. Credit card overdraft withdrawal fee is high, so you can't enjoy interest-free period. The withdrawal amount is calculated according to the daily interest rate of five ten thousandths, and the withdrawal fee ranging from tens to hundreds is deducted. Therefore, don't overdraw for cash withdrawal in non-emergency situations.
4. Repay in full and on time. If the repayment is overdue, the bank will not only charge overdraft interest, but also pay late fees, which will seriously cause bad credit and cause a lot of inconvenience in applying for loans in the future.
5. Only pay the arrears to avoid deposit overflow. The overpayment part of the credit card is the part that the credit card holder deposits more after paying off the arrears. Credit card overflow deposits will not generate interest. If you want to take them out, there will be additional handling fees (and a few banks will not charge them), which is really not cost-effective.
6. Use credit cards reasonably by stages. Credit card installment will generate extra expenses, so don't abuse credit card installment.