If you use Visa and Master cards to make purchases abroad, there is no handling fee. If you use UnionPay to withdraw money, it will charge 1%, and Visa will charge 3%. Take the master and charge 3%.
Generally, it is charged as a percentage. Quite expensive. If I have to compare, as far as I know, visa seems to be cheaper. Personally, I suggest that overseas cash withdrawals are restricted by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange: the cumulative cash withdrawals on the day must not exceed the equivalent of 1,000 US dollars, the cumulative cash withdrawals in the month must not exceed the equivalent of 5,000 US dollars, and the cumulative cash withdrawals in the quarter must not exceed the equivalent of 10,000 US dollars, so it is not as practical as swiping a card, and if you swipe a card , use the UnionPay channel, the handling fee is cheaper.
There are some differences between Master and Visa. Their differences are mainly in currency, rates, market activities and charges.
1. VISA and Mastercard are two international credit card issuers. But in China, all credit cards are issued by banks in our country, and they are cooperative institutions (without them, the cards in our hands would be almost unusable overseas, because UnionPay's network is not large enough).
2. Currency: Credit cards differ in currency such as RMB, RMB-USD, RMB-EUR, RMB-Hong Kong dollar, RMB-Australian dollar, etc. If you often go to Europe but hold a US dollar card, it is not worthwhile because you have to pay a currency conversion fee (Euro-USD 1 time). If you have a Euro card, you don't have to pay any fees.
The current fee for VISA and Mastercard is 1.5% per transaction. Rates sometimes differ between the two card issuers. For example, a year ago VISA was 1%, while Mastercard was 1.1%.
3. Market: VISA accepts a large number of merchants in Asia and Australia, while Mastercard’s advantage lies in Europe and North America.
There are also marketing activities: VISA holds many activities for people who swipe their cards abroad, and they are very rich. There are relatively few domestic activities, and the gifts are a bit silly (such as puppets, ballpoint pens, etc. of). Mastercard currently seems to have more domestic activities than VISA, and its activities are relatively large. "
4. Charges (card used overseas): Once the card is accidentally lost overseas, the fees for reporting the loss and replacing the card are different between the two institutions. And they are always changing. VISA: US$175/card, Mastercard: US$148/card.