2. When swiping a card, always pay attention to the credit card. When swiping with a credit card, our eyes should always be on the credit card to prevent the cashier from secretly using and copying your credit card. When you finish swiping the card, you should ask the merchant to return the credit card in time.
Third, don't lend your credit card to others easily. Maybe the other person has a good relationship with you, and he won't steal your credit card, but that doesn't mean that he will protect your credit card with all his heart when swiping it. To prevent accidents, try not to lend your credit card to others. Fourth, you should report the loss in time after the credit card is lost. The above are some of the tips for preventing the credit card from being stolen. Everyone must protect their credit cards and prevent the money from being damaged. Introduction, you can handle all credit cards quickly and safely!