When you open a credit card, the bank will set a reconciliation date for you. This is a fixed date every month. If the landlord forgets, you can call the customer service number of CCB at 95533. Generally, the day you receive the text message is your reconciliation day.
The repayment date is your last repayment period, that is, the 20th day after the account date; Needless to say, the consumption day is the day when you use your credit card to spend money. For example, your reconciliation date is the 5th of each month. If you spend money on the 5th of this month, the bank will make a reconciliation on the 5th, and you have to repay it within 20 days at the latest, that is, the 25th. Your interest-free period is 24 days. If the landlord spends money on the 6th, you won't be reconciled this month, and you won't pay it back until the 5th of next month. Your interest-free period is 50 days.
So when to spend it, the reconciliation day is that day. Credit card and debit card (that is, the bank card mentioned by the landlord) are associated, and the default date of deduction is the repayment date, so that customers can enjoy the longest interest-free period, which is the 25th according to the above example. So don't worry. It should be noted that your debit card must have enough money to repay on the repayment date, that is, it is greater than or equal to your credit card overdraft limit, otherwise the deduction will not be successful.