1. Write a speech for the integrity test in classical Chinese
What is sincerity? A gentleman’s sincerity is sincerity. What is trust? What is a person’s sincerity?
Once upon a time Zengzi was slaughtering pigs, and his wife stopped him, saying: "What is wrong with a child? It's just a joke." Zengzi said: "Both parents and young children follow the instructions of their parents. It is the fault of the parents. They are afraid that in the future, the children will do unrighteousness. Whose fault is it?"
Words must be deeded, and deeds must bear fruit. If you practice what you say and do what you say, you are a gentleman.
Then there was Shi Shi, a great minister, who became a friend of Zhang Shao from Runan and said: "After two years of separation, we should return to each other and pay homage to our parents and children." After thousands of miles, we have concluded our words, trusting each other, and never having any doubts. When the time comes, the results have arrived, we go to the hall to pay homage, and we say goodbye happily.
When a gentleman is sincere, why should he be suspicious?
If the martingale builds a tree and builds trust, he will give fifty gold to those who move three feet of wood to show that they are not deceived. If they move it later, the martingale will give them the fruit.
If a person is true to his word, why not spend a thousand gold.
Now I ask what is integrity, so I say: Treat people sincerely and act with integrity. Integrity is when words and deeds are consistent, integrity is when appearance and appearance are the same, honesty and no deception is integrity, and keeping promises is integrity.
If a person has no integrity, he does not know what he is capable of. If the ruler and his ministers do not believe, the people will slander and the rites will not be observed; if the officials do not believe, then the young will not be afraid of their superiors, and the superior and the inferior will despise each other; if they do not believe in rewards and punishments, they will easily break the law and cannot give orders.
King You of the Zhou Dynasty wanted to please Baosi, and played with the princes by beacon fire. He repeatedly broke his trust, and later the country perished. During the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Xiang of Qi ordered Liancheng and Guan Zhifu to garrison Kuiqiu. It was the time when the melons were ripe, so they should look for a replacement when the melons were ripe. Later, Duke Xiang of Qi broke his promise, and the two used this to cause trouble and killed Duke Xiang of Qi.
Fu Xuan therefore said: If the king has faith, then all the countries will be safe; if the princes have faith, then the territory will be peaceful.
The king and his ministers do not doubt, keep their promises, win the trust of the people, and the world is peaceful.
Since ancient times, people have been driven by honesty and sincerity. A word is worth a hundred gold.
Integrity is the foundation of doing things. 2. A 60-word speech on integrity
Let the flower of integrity bloom
In ancient times, there was a saying by Li Bai: "The sea and the mountains can be poured out, but the promise will never waver." Bai Juyi's " But sincerity is as red as blood, who knows that lies are as clever as words? "Integrity is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Integrity means being honest and trustworthy, and having a sense of responsibility for yourself, others, and the collective. Only when a person is honest will others respect him, trust him, and get close to him.
Yan Shu, a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty, was recommended to the emperor as a child prodigy when he was fourteen years old. The emperor summoned him and asked him to take the exam at the same time as more than a thousand Jinshi. As a result, Yan Shu discovered that the exam questions were the ones he had just contacted ten days ago, so he reported the truth to Zhenzong and requested that other questions be changed. Song Zhenzong admired Yan Shu's honest character very much and gave him "the same background as a Jinshi". When Yan Shu was on duty, the world was at peace. As a result, officials of all sizes in the capital often went to the countryside to play or held various banquets in restaurants and teahouses in the city. Yan Shu's family was poor and he had no money to go out to eat, drink and have fun, so he had to read and write articles at home with his brothers. One day, Zhenzong promoted Yan Shu to the position of East Palace official who assisted the prince in his studies. The ministers were surprised and did not understand why Zhenzong made such a decision. Zhenzong said: "In modern times, officials often traveled around and had banquets, and only Yan Shu studied behind closed doors." After thanking Yan Shu for his kindness, he said, "I am actually a person who likes to travel and banquet, but my family is poor. If I had money, I would have participated in the banquets." Go away." These two things established Yan Shu's credibility in front of the officials, and Zhenzong also trusted him more. Yan Shu's honest quality is worth learning from. He has gained people's trust with his precious quality of honesty.
The famous Haier Group once had such an experience. After signing a contract with a customer, due to various reasons, the company delayed the delivery time. In order to abide by the contract, the company decided to use air transportation, which resulted in a loss of one A lot of money, but it gained credibility. The president proudly said: "The reason why we are successful is that we do not want to lose all our property but our credit."
If each of us plants the seeds of integrity in our hearts, it will bloom. The sweetest fruit.
Integrity is everywhere in our lives. We must be honest with teachers, be trustworthy and frank with friends, do not lie to parents, be honest with each other, do not plagiarize during exams, insist on honest exams, ** *Create an honest campus.
Integrity is a speechless song. This article is reproduced from the free [ppt courseware download site]. It is sung in every corner of the world. People have been saying this for thousands of years. The sun of integrity never sets. Today If you ask me why my classmates all laughed like flowers, I will definitely tell you that simple people are free and easy because of their integrity.
This week is the exam week for the first and second grade students. I hope that each of us can consciously take the integrity test. I wish all students to achieve excellent results in the exam.
The speech is over, thank you everyone! 3. Looking for a perfect speech written in classical Chinese
In the twenty-sixth year of Jian'an (AD 221), Guan Yu went to Maicheng, was defeated and captured, refused to surrender, and was killed by Sun Quan.
His mount, a red rabbit horse, was given to Ma Zhong by Sun Quan. One day, Ma Zhong wrote: Chi Tu Ma has been on a hunger strike for several days and will die soon.
Sun Quan was shocked and urgently visited Bo Xi, a famous scholar from Jiangdong. This person is a descendant of Bole, and people say he is proficient in horse language.
Ma Zhong led Bo Xi back to his home and went to the trough, where he saw the red rabbit horse lying on the ground, neighing mournfully. Everyone was puzzled, but Bo Xi knew it.
Bo Xi dismissed everyone, stroked his back and sighed: "In the past, Cao Cao wrote "The Turtle is Longevity", 'The old man is in trouble, and his ambition is a thousand miles. The martyrs are ambitious in their old age.' I know very well that General Jun Nianguan I want to follow my kindness underground.
However, when Lu Fengxian died in Baimenlou, he did not see you so dependent on him. Why would he commit suicide today and not live up to your ambition of thousands of miles? " Chi Tu Ma Ai? He hissed and sighed: "I heard, 'When a bird is about to die, its song is sad; when a man is about to die, his words are also kind.' I am fortunate to meet you now, and I can tell you what I say from the bottom of my heart.
I was born in Xiliang and was later acquired by Dong Zhuo. This man was so domineering that he killed the young emperor and slept on the dragon bed. He was really a traitor to the Han Dynasty. I deeply hate him." Bo Xi nodded and said, "Later I heard that Li Ru offered a plan and gave it to you. To Lu Bu, Lu Bu is the most brave general in the world. Everyone said, "Lü Bu is the best among men, and the red rabbit is the best among horses." That's bad.
Lu Bu was the most unfaithful person. He killed Ding Yuan for glory, assassinated Dong Zhuo for beauty, surrendered to Liu Bei and captured his Xuzhou, and married Yuan Shu and killed his envoy. "Believe it or not," it is a great shame in my life to be known as such a dishonest person! Later, I returned to Cao Cao. Although his subordinates were fierce, no one could be called a hero.
I am afraid. In this life, I only suffered humiliation at the hands of slaves and died in a stable. Later, Cao Cao gave me to General Guan. I saw his bravery in front of Hulao Pass and his kindness on the White Gate Tower, and I have admired him for a long time. p>
General Guan was also very happy to see me and thanked Cao Cao. When Cao asked why, General Guan replied: "I know that this horse can travel a thousand miles in a day. I am lucky to have it. If I know my brother's whereabouts in the future, I can ride it in one day." See it.
'This is how a man is sincere.' As the saying goes: 'The bird flies with the phoenix, and the person is virtuous and of high quality.
'How dare I not retaliate with death?' Bo was happy to hear it and sighed: "Everyone said that General Guan is a man of integrity. What I heard today is that it is true." Red Rabbit Ma cried and said: "I admire the righteousness of Boyi and Shuqi who do not eat Zhou millet. p>
Jade can be broken but its whiteness cannot be damaged, bamboo can be broken but its knots cannot be destroyed. A scholar dies for his friend, and a man survives because of his integrity. How can I live in this world by eating Wu millet?" He fell to the ground and died.
Bo Xi burst into tears and said: "Things are like this, how can people be embarrassed?" This was later reported to Sun Quan. Quan also cried when he heard about it: "I didn't know that Yunchang was so honest. Now that this loyal and righteous man has been harmed by me, how can I see the common people in the world?" Later Sun Quan passed the decree and buried Guan Yu and his son together with Red Tuma in a grand ceremony. 4. A 400-word speech on integrity
Intelligence comes from diligence (speech)
Hello, students. Today I want to talk to you about the topic of "diligence".
Everyone hopes that they will be smart and become talented when they grow up, but being smart is not something you just want to be, you must work hard. If you want to study abroad, you must learn a foreign language well. How to learn a foreign language well? You have to read in the morning, memorize at night, and study diligently. If you want to be a gymnast, how do you become one? You have to insist on physical exercise and keep in touch diligently. If you want to be a scientist, how do you do it? Just read more encyclopedias and broaden your horizons... In short, no matter what you want to do, you can't achieve it without diligence. Mao Yisheng, a famous bridge expert in ancient my country, is a typical example.
When Mao Yisheng was a child, he consciously stood on the bank of the river every morning and recited ancient poems. He turned a blind eye and turned a deaf ear to the sailing boats and fishing songs around him, completely immersed in the ocean of knowledge. In this way, Mao Yisheng memorized many ancient poems over time, and at the same time improved his memory. One day, his grandfather was copying ancient prose, and Mao Yisheng was memorizing it silently. When his grandfather put down his pen, he was able to memorize the "Kingto Fu" copied by his grandfather word for word. Grandpa said happily: "Okay, okay, practice makes perfect!"
Another time, Mao Yisheng saw an article that wrote the approximate value of pi to 100 decimal places, so he wrote it section by section Di Lai memorized this long string of numbers: 14, 15, 92, 65, 35, 89, 79, 32... Although it was difficult to memorize, Mao Yisheng worked hard and finally memorized it.
Students, when Mao Yisheng grew up, he became a famous bridge expert in our country. Isn’t it because of his diligence? Isn't the reason why he is so smart also because of his diligence?
From this, I thought: People’s IQs are all the same, but some people are more diligent, so they can excel. If a person is not diligent, no matter how smart the brain is, it will become dull.
Students, modern society is a society full of competition. Only by working diligently, studying hard, and making ourselves smarter can we keep up with the pace of the times.
I'm done with my speech, thank you. 5. A 150-word speech on integrity
Integrity starts with me as a speech
Dear teachers and dear students:
Hello everyone! The title of my speech is "Honesty and Trustworthiness Start from Me."
Students have all heard the ancient sayings that have been passed down for thousands of years, such as "Words must be true, actions must be resolute" and "Once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow." These words all speak of honesty and trustworthiness. Honesty means being loyal and upright, being consistent in words and deeds, and being consistent in appearance and appearance; trustworthiness means keeping promises and not being hypocritical or deceitful. Honesty and trustworthiness are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. From ancient times to the present, there have been many stories of honesty and trustworthiness. In ancient times, Zengzi killed a pig without breaking his promise to the children, Ji Bu's "promise of a thousand gold" saved him from disaster, Shang Yang established a tree to promote new laws for his faith, etc., etc., etc., all illustrate the importance of integrity. There are also popular "Wolf Is Coming" and Beacon Fire Opera The princes, Wenzhou shoemakers...these examples of dishonesty are a wake-up call for us.
Today I am telling you about an advertisement. A man went to the supermarket to buy fruit and saw a box of very fresh oranges with "Sweet and Delicious" written on it. The price was 48 yuan. After buying it, the man opened it and saw that they were all rotten. The man shouted: "Your integrity." "What?" This advertisement tells people who do business that if they want to make a strong business, they must first be honest and trustworthy to their customers. Fraudulent practices and shoddy goods will only lead to customers' suspicion and rebuke, which will also damage their own credibility. corrupt.
Some people may think that this matter has nothing to do with us. In fact, this is not the case, it is closely related to us. If vendors, shopping mall operators, restaurant owners, etc. commit fraud and pass off inferior products as good ones, wouldn’t it be dangerous for us to buy spoiled food, meals, substandard clothes, or even houses and vehicles? As a primary school student, what we have to do is to be honest. If everyone does this, then the quality of the entire nation will take a big step forward. Here, I call for honesty and trustworthiness, starting from me! 6. The story of being polite and trustworthy (ancient Chinese)
Zengzi killed a pig
When Zengzi’s wife went to the market, his son wept.
His mother says to him, "You have come back home, and I will kill the piggy for you instead." Zeng Zi wants to catch the piggy and kill it when his wife comes to market. The wife stopped and said, "You are playing with babies." Zengzi said, "Babies are not meant to be played with. Babies do not have knowledge. They treat their parents as scholars and listen to their parents' teachings. If you bully them now, you are teaching your children to bully." If a mother deceives her son, and the son does not believe in his mother, that is not why he is a disciple.
Selected from "Han Feizi"
Note: Zengzi (505 BC ~ 432 BC): Zeng Shen, a native of Lu in the late Spring and Autumn Period. A disciple of Confucius.
Zeng Zi’s madam goes to market, his son is crying to be urged to go accordingly. His mother said to him: "You go home first and I will come back later to kill a pig for you to eat." He went back happily. When Zeng Zi's wife came back from the market, she saw Zeng Zi going to catch piglets. kill. She dissuaded her and said, "I was just joking with the child." Zengzi said, "Madam, this is not a joke! Children have no ability to think and judge. They must learn from their parents and obey the correct teachings given by their parents. . Now you are deceiving him. This is teaching a child to lie! If a mother deceives her son, the son will no longer believe in his mother. This is not the right way to educate a child." So Zengzi killed the pig and cooked it. Then he gave the pig to his son to eat. 7. Speech on Integrity Examination
Hello everyone! The topic we are discussing today is integrity.
What is integrity? As the name suggests, honest and trustworthy. Everyone is sitting here listening to my speech, which is integrity; businesses operating legally are integrity, and people interacting with each other on an equal footing are integrity.
The family of Confucius and Mencius is about etiquette, righteousness, benevolence and trust; Shang Yang’s reform is about "removing wood to be trustworthy". Integrity, as a traditional virtue of the ancient Chinese civilization, has been consciously believed and respected by people for thousands of years.
To this day, why do we mention integrity again? Yes, this is because there are many things that are shocking: fake cigarettes, fake wine, fake seeds, fake fertilizers, fake diplomas, fake professional titles, fake names... the list goes on. "If a person has no faith, he does not know what he can do." If you lose integrity, you will definitely lose the space for development, lose strong support, and lose your personality and dignity.
There is a German student with excellent grades. After graduation, I searched for jobs everywhere but was frustrated many times.
Why is this? The reason is simple, because his file records show that he was caught three times evading bus tickets. In Singapore, there are people who have air tickets but cannot board the plane.
Because there is information showing that the books he borrowed have not been returned to the library. It can be seen that integrity is very important to everyone.
With integrity, companies can hire you; with integrity, banks can lend you money; with integrity, you can gain the trust of others; with integrity, you can integrate into society and survive and develop. Integrity is everywhere and is needed everywhere.
In contemporary society, the place where credit is most concentrated is none other than the financial industry. Industry self-discipline and honest operation can win the trust of customers and win long-term development prospects; customer supervision and honest acceptance of services can win a higher credit rating and timely replenishment of funds, thereby generating economic benefits; and the integrity given by the two to each other , is a silent commitment, effective integration and communication, which will make financial business deposits and loans smooth, safe and efficient.
"Credit is our top priority and we bow to the public" is the cultural concept of our rural credit cooperatives in serving the people. Our greatest integrity to our customers is to strictly abide by industry management regulations, operate in compliance with laws and regulations, and use high-quality Service, high-level capabilities, and efficient work win the trust of the people and benefit the public. Such an incident happened in a rural credit cooperative in our city.
A farmer saved 20,000 yuan and wanted to deposit it in a credit union, but he was afraid that the credit union would charge him less interest. What can we do? Astute as he was, he came up with a brilliant idea.
He deposited 20,000 yuan into four agency stations under the credit union on the same day, with 5,000 yuan for each station, and the deposit period was half a year. After maturity, he went to the director of the credit union for consultation and calculation of the interest due.
He then went to four outlets to withdraw his deposits.
It turned out that the interest calculated by the four outlets and the club director was not bad at all.
He believed it and told everyone he met that the credit union is really a trustworthy bank for farmers. It is worth reflecting on: While we require merchants to operate with integrity, do we also accept services with integrity? Things are missing from the supermarket shelves unknowingly, and the exit detectors sound beeping alarms, triggering a series of lawsuits over ethics and human rights violations. Beautiful light boxes on the streets once decorated our cities. It also decorates each of our lives.
But I don’t know when, it has become scarred. Our rural credit cooperatives are a special industry that operates money. While achieving economic benefits by collecting social surplus funds, they also support enterprises and individuals, supplement the funding gap, and adjust capital turnover. In accordance with national policies, we provide preferential treatment and support. It can be said that it has made a certain contribution to Wu'an's economic development.
In our customer registration book, there are many good customers who abide by contracts and keep promises and are regarded as golden customers. Unfortunately, there are always some such people. Some people have serious thoughts of running away and defaulting on debts. When the business is doing well, they put the money into their own pockets. If they lose money, they will leave a mess for you to deal with. They think that the losses belong to the public anyway. This kind of irresponsibility and irresponsibility Acts of integrity have caused huge losses to the country and people.
Of course, the reasons are complicated. We do not rule out factors other than human power, but some people just cheat. A company that is obviously doing well, falsifies accounts, engages in transfers, and fails to repay interest and loans on time.
What's worse, they simply make fake money, use fake passbooks, fake money orders, and fake loss reports to defraud funds, and then run away. At this time, morality seems helpless and the law seems pale.
We pursue integrity and long for integrity. We hope that integrity is a conscious moral norm. But in the face of reality, I think the law should be used to safeguard this virtue of human beings and put a person's credit issue into question. Rising to the level of the law, establishing a complete set of personal files and records, which can be called anytime and anywhere, makes people clearly understand that dishonesty is difficult to achieve and dishonesty will pay a heavy price. Just think, who would abandon integrity and disregard it? .