However, due to the cardholder's overdue behavior, it will not only reduce the credit card limit, but also affect the credit information. Therefore, it is very important to repay the loan in time and develop a good habit of using credit cards. The direct impact of overdue credit cards is the need to bear higher overdue fees. In order to prevent overdue, banks set a higher overdue interest rate, and also to urge overdue users to repay as soon as possible and increase the bank's profits. In addition, it also has an impact on personal credit reporting.
1. We call it the "bank blacklist", which is actually the execution list of overdue bank dishonesty. This situation is generally recorded after the bank recovers the arrears through legal procedures. For general overdue behaviors, displaying overdue information in the personal credit information system is not completely blacklisted. For some banks with short overdue time and small amount, they will still apply for credit through you. In this case, as long as you can prove your financial strength, you can undertake your loan. In order to prevent the bad debt rate from rising, some banks pay more attention to personal credit reporting, so they will refuse credit applications. So, there is no blacklist. It can only be said that there is a bad credit record in the credit report. The specific credit review should be conducted in accordance with the bank's standards. If there are a large number of long-term overdue, the impact is still relatively large.
There are several ways to try: apply for an extension for a few days, find a reasonable reason, and call customer service a few days in advance to apply for an extension for a few days. Generally speaking, it is possible. But don't delay yourself. Many people have a few days' grace period, so they can listen to what is said online, which will easily lead to their credit problems. Applying for installment payment can relieve the repayment pressure in a short time, but it also needs to pay the installment fee. Appropriate installment payment helps to increase the limit and maintain the credit card. It is best to withdraw about 30% of the amount by installment. The share is too low, and the bank does not make money; If the share is too high, the bank will think we have no money. 30% is the best golden ratio! If the cash flow is really difficult in a short time, then take more money and pay in installments, which may pay more interest! The minimum repayment amount can also alleviate the short-term repayment pressure to some extent. But the bank pays interest in full, and the minimum repayment interest is very high.