Wechat transfer refund will be returned in the original way. If you transfer money with small change, return the money. If it is transferred from a bank card, it will be returned to the bank card. More than 24 hours after the transfer, the other party did not collect the money. It was returned in the same way. There are several conditions to be met when using the WeChat transfer function. You have your own WeChat account and are bound to online banking. It must be a new version of WeChat, the previous old version, which does not have this function for the time being. The other friend who transferred the money also needs to upgrade WeChat, otherwise they will not receive the money. Wechat payment rules, when binding bank cards, you need to verify the cardholder's real name information, that is, name and ID number information. A micro-signal can only bind one real-name information. The real name information cannot be changed after binding, and the real name binding relationship will not be deleted when unlocking the card. The same ID number can only be registered for 10 (including 10) WeChat payment. A bank card (including credit card) can bind up to 3 micro signals.