Of course it can be done. If you have applied for a credit card before, it means that your conditions in all aspects are relatively good, you meet the conditions for applying for a credit card, and you have kept better consumption records, which will also help you when applying for a card.
Required conditions for applying for a credit card:
Applicants should be between 18 and 60 years old, and foreigners should be between 25 and 60 years old, with certain financial capabilities and a good credit record.
Required information:
1. Credit card application, copy of front and back of ID card (foreigners: passport and residence permit or employment permit;
2 , Taiwanese citizens: Taiwan Compatriot Permit and Employment Permit; Hong Kong and Macao citizens: Home Return Permit and Employment Permit/Residence Permit)
3. Work certification documents issued by the unit.
Providing the following information will help increase your credit limit:
1. Copies of bank savings account statements for the past three months;
2. Bank opening Original copy of the asset balance certificate of the financial account;
3. Copy of the real estate certificate (including your name) Copy of any utility invoice for the property in the past 3 months;
4 , A copy of my car driving license.