1. It is most convenient to bundle a savings card for repayment. When applying for a credit card, it is bound to the bank's savings card. The bank will automatically deduct the amount when the payment is made. There is no need to go to the bank to transfer funds manually, which is convenient.
2. Transfer money via online banking first, which is safe. Open the online banking of the card-issuing bank, log in to the online banking, enter the card number and password, and you can complete the repayment without any handling fees.
3. Third-party repayment is convenient. Alipay wallet currently supports credit card repayments from more than 30 banks, and you can set a "repayment reminder date".
4. Lakala repayment. There are relatively few credit card outlets, but there is a handling fee for repayment, which is 2 yuan/transaction.