2. Use more credit cards for spending: Basically, every bank likes cardholders to use credit cards for spending, and they can use credit cards for spending in supermarkets, shopping malls, shopping centers, restaurants, etc. However, it should be noted that there are no points for some consumption, such as online shopping, so everyone still swipes offline credit cards.
3. It is best to repay in full: before considering whether to withdraw the amount from the cardholder, the bank should consider whether the cardholder has a good repayment record. On the credit card repayment date, the cardholder had better not use the minimum repayment amount. For users who withdraw cash, it is best to repay in full the next day.
4. Provide new proof of assets: If the cardholder has new proof of assets after handling the credit card, such as provident fund, social security, car, bank deposit, etc. Then the bank will think that you have the ability to repay, and the probability of raising the limit is relatively high.