When the balance in the repayment bank card is insufficient, the automatic deduction will fail. At this time, as long as the user makes repayment on the repayment date, it is not overdue. Moreover, on the repayment date, the system usually deducts money for many times. If the first deduction fails, it will be deducted again in the next time period, so it is necessary to deposit the repayment amount into the repayment bank card in time.
if the repayment amount in the bank card is enough, the deduction fails due to system reasons, please contact the lending institution in time.
overdue means that the repayment has not been made in full by the deadline of the repayment date. Generally speaking, automatic deduction fails, but manual repayment is completed on the repayment date, which is not overdue.
Take the credit card as an example. It is ok to repay on the repayment date of the credit card, because the credit card repayment will generally arrive immediately. As long as the repayment is made before 24 o'clock on the repayment date, it will not be regarded as overdue. Is the automatic repayment of Meituan overdue?
The automatic repayment of Meituan is not overdue. According to the relevant information, in this case, Meituan loan has a three-day grace period, and the repayment after the automatic deduction fails is not overdue. Overdue means that the repayment has not been made in full by the deadline of the repayment date, and the cardholders who can repay within the grace period are not considered overdue. Is it overdue on the day when the automatic deduction fails?
Overdue means that the repayment has not been made in full by the deadline of the repayment date. Generally speaking, automatic deduction fails, but manual repayment is completed on the repayment date, which is not overdue.
Take the credit card as an example. It is ok to repay on the repayment date of the credit card, because the credit card repayment will generally arrive immediately. As long as the repayment is made before 24 o'clock on the repayment date, it will not be regarded as overdue.
In addition, according to the China Convention on Self-discipline of Bank Card Industry, starting from July 1, 213, banks should provide tolerance and time-tolerance services to credit card holders: if the cardholder owes less than 3 days, the amount owed should be regarded as timely repayment, and the bank needs to remind him 3 days before the due repayment date of the credit card; Therefore, even if the repayment fails to arrive on time, there is also the "time-tolerant" service of the bank to escort you; The grace period for repayment of credit cards of China Merchants Bank, China Construction Bank, Guangfa Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, CITIC Bank, Xingye Bank and Ping An Bank is 3 days; The grace period for repayment of Bank of Beijing and Agricultural Bank is 2 days; However, different banks have different regulations. Please consult the issuing bank for specific regulations.