Many people have seen someone applying for a credit card at the factory gate. This is because there will be many employees at the factory gate, especially when commuting. For example, in some large factories, there are tens of thousands of employees in an area, so it is a high achievement to find some people to apply for credit cards, so there are many people who apply for credit cards at the factory gate. 2. The employees in the factory happen to be the target customers, and the card handling rate is high.
In addition to the number of people at the factory gate, it is easy to do business, or because the employees in the factory happen to be the target customers, because many people can't do credit cards, such as the old people in the village. Most of them have no jobs and do not have the conditions to apply for credit cards, so employees who apply for credit cards will not be promoted. They all have formal jobs at the factory gate and have a stable income every month, so they just happen to be the target customers for credit cards. Moreover, young people who can work in factories are generally short of money, so they are willing to apply for credit cards for them, so the success rate is relatively high, so they are very good target customers. To sum up, there are many credit cards in front of the factory. On the one hand, there are many people in front of the factory. Like some big factories, there may be tens of thousands of people coming and going at a door, so the business volume is very large. On the other hand, these employees are all target customers. These employees have stable incomes and jobs, and most of them are young people who are short of money. They also have a high acceptance of credit cards, so it's easy to handle.