1. Use credit cards to spend as much as possible to increase card usage. When the credit card limit increases, banks will generally increase it based on your card consumption. Generally, after half a year of normal use, you can actively submit it to the bank or call the bank's customer service number for adjustment. If you use your credit card every time you can make a purchase with a credit card, and increase the frequency of card use, the limit will also increase. What's more, in order to increase the limit, friends around me also use their own credit cards when making purchases.
2. Apply for more cards, the higher the limit approved by the bank. If you only apply for one credit card and increase the limit by swiping the card frequently, it will be too laborious, so don’t be single-minded." Hug a tree to death." For example, if you apply for several credit cards from other banks before applying for a China Merchants Bank credit card, whether you use them or not, the limit will be higher than if you had not applied for one. Generally, the limit of CMB cash installment is up to 50,000. Please note that the cash installment amount applied for with the China Merchants Bank credit card cannot be used for investment, including but not limited to house purchase, stocks, futures and other equity investments. It can only be used for consumption, including but not limited to decoration, home appliances, weddings, car purchases, and financial aid. Education, tourism, medical treatment, etc. Don't be tempted to play by the margins. The bank will review every payment you make at any time. Once discovered, it will be regarded as a breach of contract and you will have to bear corresponding responsibilities. Although China Merchants Bank Credit Card is popular among the public because of its young-oriented business type and professional services, everyone should make a reasonable choice whether to apply for it based on their own consumption habits and personal qualifications, so as to solve their own life problems. , and also avoid other troubles caused during use.