Since you already have a credit card, you can ask your wife to try to apply for a card with the card. The so-called card application means that if you already have a credit card, you can apply for a new credit card through this card and ID card information without having to provide documents such as pay stubs. The following are the conditions for applying for a credit card:
1. The original credit card has no record of being overdue for 30 days in the past six months;
2. The average credit limit of the original credit card is More than 5,000 yuan;
3. If you have more than 3 credit cards and the total usage limit is more than 90, banks will generally not approve new credit card applications.
The principle of applying for a card by card is that the bank regards the cardholder's original credit card as proof of his repayment ability. Therefore, with the original bank card and ID card, you can apply for another one at another bank. A new credit card. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the credit card application method is faster. At the same time, the credit limit of the new credit card will also refer to your original credit card limit. The bank that applies for the card will generally give you the same or higher credit limit.