If you want to cancel your credit card account, please call the Agricultural Bank of China’s 24-hour credit card customer service hotline to apply for account cancellation after settling the card account.
Things to note when canceling a credit card account are:
1. Once the account is closed, it cannot be cancelled. If there is a cloud card, the cloud card will also be canceled.
2. To prevent risks, please cut off the magnetic stripe and chip of the card and destroy them.
3. Account cancellation will officially take effect 45 days from the next day. If there are fees incurred during this period or there are still outstanding debts, you must repay the account yourself, otherwise the account cancellation will not take effect.
4. If there is still a balance in your electronic cash account, please use it as soon as possible, or cancel the electronic cash account at an Agricultural Bank of China branch as soon as possible. 25 days after the electronic cash account is canceled, the balance in the account will be transferred back to your main credit card account. In order to avoid that the main credit card account is officially closed successfully and the account cannot be closed and settled normally, please go to the branch as soon as possible.
(Answer time: August 05, 2021. In case of business changes, please refer to the actual situation.)