The use of credit cards is a non-cash transaction. Most people spend money in shopping malls and use pos machines to swipe their credit cards. In daily life, we can all see it, and watch it much on TV. But, do you know how the pos machine swipes the credit card? Next, I would like to introduce you to the specific steps of swiping a credit card with a pos machine.
How to use pos for credit cards?
Pos card swiping steps are as follows:
1. First, we need to input the amount to be swiped on the POS machine.
2. Draw the magnetic stripe of the credit card in the card reading slot of the POS machine, or put the chip of the credit card at the chip reading place of the POS machine.
3. Enter the password of the credit card, and then click OK.
4. After the 4.POS machine is verified, the transaction can be completed.
5. After the transaction is successful, the POS will print the transaction receipt.
POS is a multifunctional terminal. It can be installed in special merchants and acceptance outlets of credit cards, and connected with computers to realize automatic transfer of electronic funds. It has the functions of supporting consumption, pre-authorization, balance inquiry and transfer, and is safe, fast and reliable to use. It is difficult to obtain basic business information for bulk transactions, and the introduction of POS system is mainly to solve the blind spot of retail information management. An important part of chain branch management information system.
Dear friends, after reading the above contents about how to swipe credit cards with pos machines, you all know the process of swiping credit cards with POS machines. It's actually quite simple. First, enter the consumption amount, then swipe the credit card, and ask the credit card holder to enter the password, confirm and print the receipt.
How to use pos machine how to use pos machine
1. When using the pos machine, first turn on the power button at the top left.
2. Then pass the magnetic stripe of bank card, credit card, etc. Through the card slot of the pos machine.
3. Brush from the front to the back, after swiping the card.
4. Enter the amount of this consumption through the numeric keys of the pos machine.
5. Click OK, then enter the bank card password, and click OK again to end the transaction.
Excuse me, how to swipe a credit card with a pos machine?
POS machine is a terminal reader equipped with bar code or OCR code technology, which has the cash register function of cash or barter bank.
Its main task is to provide data services and management functions for commodity and media transactions, and to carry out non-cash settlement.
The operating method of swiping the card by pos machine is as follows: input the amount to be swiped on the POS machine, insert the credit card magnetic stripe (or ic chip) into the POS machine, read the credit card information, input the credit card password, confirm the password verification, the transaction is successful, and print out the POS document.