the card holder's unauthorized transaction.
1。 The transaction was blocked by the payment server because it did not check all the risks.
2。 Insufficient funds
3. Abbreviated as
4. Incorrect CSC code input (that is, usually a 3-digit code located on the back of the card)
5. Expired card
6. Suspected fraud
7. Refusing the bank (for no specific reason) decides to refuse your credit card payment, usually by your issuing bank (not by Dunhuang Network). In order to protect your security and privacy, your bank can't provide the detailed reasons why your payment was rejected. Because of this, you will need to contact the bank directly to solve the payment problem of credit card. What credit card problem does Dunhuang network help solve? The customer service of Dunhuang Network can help you to confirm that you have correctly entered your payment information for your order. However, as mentioned above, most credit card payments are rejected because of your issuing bank, so it is beyond the control of Dunhuang. Even if you have successfully used your card, you should contact your bank card to solve the problem of previous order payment. Has your order been sued and successfully shipped? You have funds in your credit card or debit card account, including the order cost. What measures can you take to solve some common payment problems? Contact your bank to pay the security policy. Your bank may mark any unexpected activity in your account. This includes the first order and the purchase of high value, regardless of the amount of money you have provided. Your bank may need your verbal authorization to conduct transactions. ? Please contact your bank for daily withdrawal or purchase restriction. Most banks have a limit on how much money they can charge or visit in one day. If you exceed this amount every day, your bank may block your account from any further activities, regardless of the funds available in your account. Your bank may ask you to ask for higher purchase restrictions to complete the transaction. ? Contact your bank for payment authorization, reserve funds and charging items. When you will order with Dunhuang Network, we will contact your card issuing bank to confirm that your credit card has a valid number and has not been reported as lost or stolen. This is conveyed through a fully authorized procedure for your purchase volume. If your payment is rejected, due to the lack of available funds, contact the bank to confirm whether there are authorized reserve funds, and the bank will spend a lot of time verifying that these authorizations are held, and ask the bank to eliminate any additional authorizations to free up funds for your account. ? Confirm the information entered on your order payment. Your billing address or did you get a new card, a new deadline? If you used the payment method in your account before, you may only need to update your credit card billing address information. If you enter a new payment method, please make sure that all your credit card numbers and other information are correct. ? Other payment methods to submit your order. If you can't go to your bank to solve the payment problem in time, you are always welcome to go to another card or change the payment method of your order. Please contact the customer service of Dunhuang Network and ask what other payment methods are available on our platform. ? If payment by credit card or debit card is not an option: please refer to our supported payment methods frequently asked questions or contact our customer service to see what other payment alternatives are available to you. Use the company card. Use the company card of Dunhuang Network, and only accept payment from our VIP buyers. If you are not a VIP buyer, please use your personal credit card to support Visa and MasterCard SecureCode. Dunhuang Network Authentication Card verifies Visa and MasterCard SecureCode. In this case, you will be asked to enter the password of your Visa or MasterCard SecureCode to verify the payment process. As for the payment restrictions of Pre-paid/Gift cards, if you use Visa or MasterCard prepaid credit cards/gift cards, please pay attention to the following restrictions: Can prepaid gift card payments not be paid by joint credit cards in a single order? Some banks may ask you to go to the first registered prepaid gift card, and call the number on your name and billing address as the card for PIN debit card transaction. When PIN is paid by debit card, we can handle your payment by debit transaction. Although your transaction will be handled like a PIN debit card transaction, you will not be able to use your debit card when you have to enter your personal identification number (PIN). When checking out, you will only need to pay with an existing debit card or enter a new debit card to pay by selecting this option on the selection page. If the debit card qualification is treated as a PIN debit card transaction, we will take a rest. Note: the debit card of PIN is not applicable to the value-added gift card with the word "Debit" written on it. Your financial institution may charge you a certain fee as the payment process for PIN debit card transactions. If you have any questions about the terms and conditions of your debit card, please contact your financial institution to use the phone number on the back of the card. After your order is paid, we will send the request to your bank to your account. Knowing that your financial institution provides financial account balance at the time of each PIN debit card transaction, they may refuse the transaction if you have enough available balance to complete your purchase. If you use a debit card that you usually receive a return when you purchase it, please check the policy incentive payment of your financial institution to determine whether you receive the return of PIN's debit card transaction. If you have any questions and earn rewards, please contact the phone number found on the back of your bank card. Please note that you may see your credit card number to help determine the card you choose as the Visa or MasterCard sign method for payment. In fact, our display of this sign does not mean that Visa or MasterCard debit card transactions are processed.