How to manage too many credit cards? 1. Manage the repayment time of credit cards well. When there are too many credit cards, the most difficult thing to manage is the repayment of credit cards. People often forget to repay some credit cards because they have too many credit cards, resulting in overdue payments. So if you have multiple credit cards, you have to manage the repayment time of the credit card. Most credit card repayment dates can be adjusted. You can adjust the repayment time of your credit card to a suitable time period. In this way, it will be more convenient to repay, and it will not be easy to have a situation where you have just finished paying off this credit card and have insufficient funds to pay off another credit card. 2. Set a repayment reminder. After adjusting the repayment time of each credit card, it is best to set a repayment reminder as a second-hand preparation to avoid forgetting. It is best to set a repayment reminder within 1 to 2 days of the payment due date. Better. 3. Cancel unnecessary credit cards. After many people apply for multiple credit cards, some of them are actually useless, so they just throw them aside without using them. In this case, it is best to cancel some unnecessary and infrequently used credit cards, which can also reduce annual fees.
Will having too many credit cards affect your credit score? Regarding the question of whether having too many credit cards will affect your credit score, in fact, generally speaking, as long as you use your cards normally and repay your bills on time and do not overdue, your credit score will not be affected. However, it should also be noted that if you always apply for credit cards, the bank will often check your credit report, and the inquiry record will be reflected in your personal credit report, so it is easy to spend money if you apply for too many credit cards. Credit reporting is not good for credit reporting. The above is the answer to "How to manage too many credit cards? Will having too many credit cards affect your credit report?" If you have too many credit cards, the main problem is to avoid missing repayments, so you need to manage your credit card repayments very well. In fact, there is no need to have too many credit cards. Although normal use will not affect your credit score, applying for too many will easily cost your credit score.