1. Credit card cash advance limit, also known as cash advance, mainly means that the cardholder uses the credit limit to overdraft and withdraw cash. Overdraft interest will be charged on cash advances from the bank accounting date.
2. Credit card cash advance limit is the maximum limit for credit card users to withdraw cash through self-service terminals such as ATMs. At the same time, it should be clear that the cash withdrawal limit and credit limit of a credit card are different. The credit card cash withdrawal limit is the maximum cash withdrawal limit approved by the bank's credit card center for you to withdraw cash through your credit card. The cash withdrawal limit is included in the credit limit.
3. Although credit card cash withdrawals are allowed, please do not use the cash advance function in non-emergency situations, because the cost of using the credit card cash advance function is very high. First of all, there is no interest-free repayment period when using a credit card to advance cash, and interest starts to be calculated from the day you withdraw the cash. Second, the interest on cash advances is very high, with a daily interest rate of 0.5% and compound interest is calculated! Third, the handling fee is very high. , the handling fee is generally more than 1% and is charged in one go. In addition, there are generally no bonus points for cash advances.
4. In addition to these, there are limits on the amount of cash advances. For most banks, the amount of cash advances is about 50% of the credit limit.