1. Fill in the card receiving address. When applying for a credit card online, you must fill in the card receiving address. If you apply for a card in another place, there must be no branch at the moment. Naturally, you cannot write the local address. Many people do not know how to fill it in. The address is usually written as the company unit. It is recommended to search for the provincial capital city that is far away from you on the map, and then find the detailed address of a company in this province or city online. It would be best if you have a friend in this company. You can ask him to do it for you during the phone review. Just fill in his job information, it's not easy to reveal the secret.
2. Fill in the residential address and postal code. The method of filling in the residential address is similar to that of filling in the card collection address. It is also necessary to find the detailed address of a community in the provincial capital city. Do not make it up randomly. It must be real and can be checked. When you arrive, you should keep the address in mind. After all, the online application requires an interview, and you will be asked about the unit address, unit phone number, unit name, etc. If the answer is wrong, the interview will not be successful.
3. Address change problem. Some banks will interview you first and then send the card. After the interview is successful and you see that the approval has been passed, you can try to find the bank to change the receiving address to the city where you are currently. address. This depends on the bank's regulations. For example, CITIC Bank can change the address after passing the interview, but China Guangfa Bank and China Everbright Bank cannot. Therefore, it is best to call the bank and ask before applying to see if it supports address change.