1, affecting personal reputation. In the bank, everyone has their own credit guarantee. Once their personal reputation is in trouble, when they borrow money, they will be rejected by the bank. In addition, due to poor records, it will also be rejected when handling other banks' credit cards.
2. Credit cards are not allowed. When they are blacklisted, they can no longer use credit cards, and even after paying off the money in their credit cards, they will be recorded by banks, which will affect their future credibility.
3. The time for buying a house loan will be extended. Once blacklisted, it usually takes you longer to buy a loan. Not everyone can stand this situation.
Credit card hacking will have the above consequences. Since there will be such serious consequences, we should try to avoid them in life. When handling credit cards, we should know what behaviors will be affected by credit cards and understand the factors that will be blacked out by credit cards, so that users will not commit "minefields".