Needless to say, credit is whether you repay on time. Spending power refers to combining the number of times you make a single purchase with the number of times you use a credit card, and then making statistics. Your occupation and previous work experience will also be related to the improvement of credit limit. For example, if your job is unstable and your professional income is generally low, it will affect your credit limit, but it will not affect your credit limit.
If you say that the repayment record is good, I think that your credit card repayment credit is good, which improves the possibility of large loans in the future. For example, if you borrow money to buy a car or a house, the bank will judge whether to lend it to you according to your credit.
If the above three items are basically met, it is possible to increase the credit card limit in the future. Let me give you an example. I have four years of experience in handling credit cards. I just got a new job at that time. The maximum amount of credit card is 10000, and then I raised my maximum amount to 32000 in the next four years. Forget the students at school, because you don't have a fixed income.