Eat, drink and enjoy the present is their philosophy of life: money is spent, not saved; Women should be willing to spend money to invest in themselves; Men should be willing to spend money for their girlfriends and so on, and all kinds of grass sizes present a dazzling array of goods, which devours young people's wages, credit cards, flowers and white bars.
it has become the habit of many young people to spend excessively in the name of "being good to themselves". However, eat, drink, and be merry for a while, and always regret it. Many young people pursue brand-name bags, brand-name clothes, and punch cards in online celebrity shops. In fact, these are only temporary pleasures, especially because family conditions do not allow them to squander like this. Such short-term stimulation cannot bring real happiness.
the moment of spending money is very exciting, and it is satisfying to be praised by others in the circle of friends, but then there is endless emptiness.
can saving money change the status quo?
There is a topic in Zhihu:
Can the post-9s generation really change the status quo by saving money?
After reading the answers at the bottom of the topic, you will find that I don't know when saving money seems to have become a very controversial word. Most young people have two very distinct attitudes towards saving money:
Saving money honestly is to make life easier in the future;
Eat while you can, and consume early in the era of soaring prices.
Many people say that saving money now is a bowl of poisoned chicken soup, which not only affects the quality of life, but also feeds money to inflation in vain. The more money you save, the more money you lose.
But in fact, many young people saved their first 1, yuan by relying on their salaries. Although saving money sounds uncool, it is indeed the most feasible operation for young people to change the status quo. For most young people without special family background and resources, saving money may even be the only feasible operation to change their fate.
Because saving money itself is not just a simple act, but the beginning of a set of habits that will affect future survival. All changes begin with a small habit change. Moreover, changing the status quo itself is not an overnight thing, but also requires a long period of accumulation, which is changed by a series of "butterfly effects" produced in the process of saving money.
Spend the money that should be spent
There is a saying called: "Not a penny of the money that should be spent, not a penny of the money that should not be spent". So what is the money to spend? There are three parts:
1. The money that affects one's core development should be spent.
For example, some appropriate investment can be exchanged for opportunities, such as skills training, such as CFA, teaching materials, and even some specific clothing accessories in some important occasions. This kind of money should be spent, but it should be spent wisely (teaching materials should be used second-hand, and some window-dressing things should be rented and so on).
2. the money that affects your production efficiency should be spent.
If you are a programmer, a designer and a worker in a certain field, you must spend enough money on your production equipment (such as computers), which directly affects efficiency.
3. I like it, use it at high frequency, and use it with low loss.
the daily small appliances that I use every day, the rhubarb boots that I love to wear for 1 years, the lipstick perfume that I use every day, and the small products that can enhance my happiness in life. But the premise here is that there is a single commodity, high-frequency use and strong demand, and there is also a big premise that the previous generation of products are not used up and future generations cannot buy them.
For many young people nowadays, what they need to do now is to study hard and save money. It may not change your life for a short time, but they will change your life sooner or later on the long road of life!