It has an impact, but it may be a positive impact. If it is frequently maxed out, it can be repaid normally. It shows that the consumption ability is strong and the repayment ability is strong. The bank may take the initiative to increase your credit limit. Too many loans and low wages will lead to insufficient repayment ability and approval. How much your credit card is maxed out means how much you are in debt now. See how much you maxed out and how much you want to borrow. That is to say, if you punch in your salary and pay back your credit card every month, how much money you have left every month for personal basic consumption can be used to repay the loan every month. How much you can repay is your solvency, and how much you can borrow is based on your solvency.
Being maxed out is better than not having a credit card. At least a credit card shows that you have a credit history and it is not overdue.