You can use a bank card to transfer money to a credit card for repayment. When there is an unpaid balance on the credit card, transferring money to the credit card account is equivalent to repaying the credit card.
In addition, you can also automatically repay credit cards by binding credit cards and bank cards, which can prevent users from overdue repayments. However, it should be noted that although automatic repayment is convenient, you must ensure that there are sufficient funds in the debit card associated with the credit card. Otherwise, the credit card will face full penalty interest.
Extended information
Free credit card repayment methods:
1. Cloud QuickPass
Use the "Cloud QuickPass" APP to make credit card payments Repayments and transfers are free.
In terms of credit card statement inquiry, 66 banks including Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Postal Savings Bank, China Everbright, CITIC, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Minsheng, Huaxia, Ping An, Guangfa, Industrial Bank, Bank of Beijing and Bank of Shanghai have been online. , together with functions such as credit card repayment, preferential entitlement inquiry, card application service, mobile QuickPass activation and other functions, it creates a convenient, fast, labor-saving and worry-free full-process credit card service for users.
2. Most card-issuing bank APPs
Repaying through China Merchants Bank APP and Palm Life APP also has three major advantages. First of all, compared with third-party platforms, repaying a credit card requires a process, and different banks have different arrival times. Using the China Merchants Bank APP or Palm Life APP to repay not only has zero handling fees, but can also be credited in 1 second. Secondly, these two major APPs not only support CMB credit card repayment, but also support credit card repayment from other banks with zero handling fee.
Finally, if you are worried about forgetting to repay and causing your credit card to become overdue, you can also use the scheduled repayment function, as long as you ensure that the debit card you debit has a corresponding balance before the repayment date.
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