Credit card fraud is a type of financial fraud. The crime of financial fraud refers to the act of defrauding public and private property or the credit of financial institutions by fabricating facts or concealing the truth for the purpose of illegal possession, and disrupting the order of financial management.
The crime of financial fraud is a category of crimes stipulated in the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China and the People's Republic of China" among the crimes of undermining the order of the socialist market economy. In the financial field, for the purpose of illegal possession, by fabricating facts or concealing the truth, defrauding banks or other financial institutions of loans, insurance money, etc., or engaging in illegal fund-raising fraud, financial bill fraud, letter of credit, credit card fraud, etc. A general term for crimes involving relatively large amounts of money. The crime of financial fraud is separated from the crime of ordinary fraud, but the crime of financial fraud is not a crime of fraud in the traditional sense. The criminal law separates it from ordinary fraud crimes. In addition to breaking down the pocket crime of fraud, the main reason is to maintain the order of financial management.
The crime of credit card fraud refers to the act of using credit cards to defraud a large amount of property by fabricating facts or concealing the truth. Credit card refers to a special carrier card issued by banks to individuals and organizations, which can be used to shop and consume with special organizations and deposit and withdraw cash from banks, and has consumer credit. The objective aspect of the crime of credit card fraud is the act of using credit cards to defraud property or bank funds in large amounts by fabricating facts or concealing the truth.