domestic banks
China UnionPay: China UnionPay
Bank of China: BOC(Bank of China)
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China: ICBC (Industrial & Commercial Bank of China)
Agricultural Bank of China: ABOC (Agricultural Bank of China)
China Construction Bank; CCB (China Construction Bank)
China Merchants Bank: CMB (China Merchants Bank )
China Everbright Bank: CEB (China Everbright Bank)
China Minsheng Bank: CMBC (China Minsheng Banking Cor P. Ltd.)
The Export-Import Bank of China: Exim BC (The Import-Export Bank of China)
CITIC Industrial Bank: CITIC Industrial Bank
Fujian Industrial Bank: CIB (China Industrial Bank Co, Ltd.)
Bank of Communications
Huaxia Bank
Shenzhen Development Bank
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank
Guangdong Development Bank. Bank: Guangdong Development Bank
China Development Bank
Commercial Bank
Short for foreign banks, Take the first English letter
ABI National Bank Abbey National UK
Barclays Bank PLC. UK
Banque Nationale de Paris France
Banco Do Brasil Brazil
Daiwa Bank. Wa Bank Japan
Chase Manhattan Bank USA
Dresdner Bank Germany
Deutsche Bank Germany
Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank dai-ichi kangyo bank Japan
First Intercontinental Bank Fir. St Interstate Bancorp USA
Tokai Bank Japan
Bank of Tokyo Bank of Tokyo Japan
Bank of S? o Paulo in Turin Istito Bancario Sanpaolo di Torino Italy
Toronto Dominion Bank Toronto-Dom. Inion Bank Canada
Fuji Bank Japan
National Labor Bank Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Italy
National Westminster Bank PLC. UK
Cooperatie, Central Bank of Dutch Agricultural Cooperatives. Vecentrale Raiffersen-Boerenleenbank Netherlands
Dutch General Bank Algemene Bank Nederland Netherlands
Citibank USA
Hanhua Industrial Bank Manufacturers Hanover Corp USA
HSBC Bank. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp Hong Kong
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Canada
Royal Bank of Canada
Lloyds Bank Lloyd's Ban. K PLC. UK
Credit Lyonnais Credit Lyonnais France
Lombard Savings Bank Cassadi Risparmio Delle Provincie Lombard Italy
Mellon National Corp USA
Bank of America (full name "Bank of America" Bank of America Corp. ("Bank of America National Trust and Savings Associations") Bank of Milan, United States, Midland Bank, United Kingdom, Morgan Guarantee Trust Bank, Manguarity Trust Corp. Of New York USA
New York Chemical Bank Chemical New York Corp USA
new york Bankers Trust New York Corp USA
Agricultural Credit National Bank Decaise National Credit Agricultural Law. China
Industrial Bank of Japan Japan
Union Bank of Switzerland
Credit Suisse Switzerland
Swiss banking company Swiss Bank Corp Switzerland
Sanhe Bank Sa. Nwa Bank Japan
Mitsui Bank Japan
Mitsubishi Bank Japan
Pacific Security Bank Security Pacific Corp USA
Westdeutsche Lande *** * Angiro Zentrale Germany
Westpac Banking Corp Australia
West Asian Bank Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena Italy
Italian Commercial Bank Banca Commerciale Italiana Italy
Italy. Credit Bank Credito Italiano Italy
First National Bank First Chicago Corp USA
Bank of China of China China
Sumitomo Trust & Banking the full English name and abbreviation of Hongkong and
Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC): H * * *. The full name and history of HSBC in Chinese and English
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp.
HSBC was established in Hong Kong in 1864 to provide financing and settlement services to companies engaged in trade with China. It started its business in 1865, and set up its first branch in Shanghai in the same year, and then set up branches in Tianjin, Beijing, Hankou, Chongqing and other places.
HSBC's business in old China mainly includes international exchange, issuing paper money, deposit and loan business, handling and releasing foreign debts to China, and customs duty business of manager China.
On October 4th, 198, the Beijing Representative Office of HSBC was approved to be established, which was the first branch of HSBC in China after the founding of the People's Republic of China.
In 1984, Shanghai Branch of HSBC was authorized to engage in export bill.
on August 16th, 1985, the Shenzhen representative office of HSBC was upgraded to a branch, and on October 31st, the Shenzhen branch officially opened, and HSBC began to have a business organization in China that can engage in more comprehensive banking business.
on January 9, 1986, the Xiamen branch of HSBC, which was left over before liberation (only holding a business license), was allowed to reopen its business.
on March 19th, 1986, HSBC set up an office in Tianjin.
On July 6th, 1989, HSBC set up a representative office in Dalian.
At the end of 199, Shanghai Branch of HSBC was re-registered, which expanded its business scope and allowed HSBC to recruit its own staff.
after China further opened its coastal and some inland economic centers in 1994 and 1995, the representative offices of HSBC in Qingdao, Tianjin and Beijing were successively upgraded to branches.
the main business of HSBC in China branches can be divided into two categories: first, Corporate Banking, including project loans and real estate loans, import and export bills and bills collection, securities custody and B-share business, and foreign exchange fund arrangement; The second is Retail Banking, such as deposit accounts, remittance, traveler's checks, credit cards, merchant services, etc. HSBC Shanghai Branch also provides clients with real estate mortgage loans and other services.
: h * * C.
: h * * C.//sc May I ask the English full names and abbreviations of all banks in China?
People's Bank of China, Bank of China, Industrial and Mercurial Bank of China, China construction bank, China Bank of Communications, China Agricultural Bank of China, China Merchants Bank, China Everbright Bank, The English full names and abbreviations of all ranks in China Minsheng Banking Corp US Army
PFC: private first class, E-3 level
CPL: corporate, corporal. With Spc:Specialist, the special technicians are E-4
SGT: sergeant, e-5
SSG: staff sergeant, staff sergeant, e-6
sfc: sergeant first class, first-class sergeant and Msg:Master Sergeant. Sergeant major belongs to E-8 level
1sg: first sergeant, which is usually translated as sergeant major. He is a kind of "noncommissioned officer" (NCO), nominally still a soldier (non-commissioned officer), but actually plays the command role of chief of staff or assistant commander in units above the company level
SGM: Sergeant Major, NCO, The position is generally above the battalion level
C * * *: Command Sergeant Major, which is similar to Sgm, and holds the command role
SMA: Sergeant Major of the Army, NCO, which is a unique position. There is only one chief sergeant in the whole army (the current chief sergeant is Kenh O. Preston), who acts as the spokesman and agent for all soldiers and non-commissioned officers at the highest level of the army, enjoys the treatment of senior officers, and even has his own special flag (used to hang on offices, special cars and special planes).
Among the officers, in turn, they are:
2lt: second lieutenant, O-1
1lt: first lieutenant, O-2, second lieutenant and lieutenant are usually abbreviated as Lt.
CPT: Captain, O-3
Major: Major, O-4
LTC: Lieutenant Colonel LieutenantColonel, O-5. O-6
BG: Brigadier General, O-7
mg: Major General, Major General, O-8
LTG: LieutenantGeneral, Lieutenant General, O-9
Gen: General, Admiral, O-1, Is the highest-ranking officer in the U.S. army
ga: general of the army, also known as the five-star general. The salary level is Special
Private E-1 PVT
Private E-2 PV2
Private E-3 PFC Private First Class
Technical Sergeant E-4 SPC Specialist
Corporal E-4 CPL Corporate