When you apply for a credit card (debit card) online, you will usually make a phone call for review, and the company phone number you filled in when applying will be called. However, some banks are exceptions, such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. I applied for industrial and commercial bank online. The bank's horoscope card was printed with the mobile phone number I filled in.
However, whether you are calling an employer or an individual, credit card (debit card) electronic review is a crucial step. After all, the purpose of telephone review is to verify the applicant’s basic information over the phone. Yes, if you don't receive a call, or if you answer the phone and answer questions that are different from those on the application form, the bank will most likely refuse to approve your card.
Most bank credit card (debit card) review calls will ask these questions, such as the applicant’s ID number, name of work unit, position, company address, current address, etc. You only need to follow the application form Just fill in the information and answer.