With the popularity of credit cards, many people have applied for credit cards. When using credit cards, it is inevitable that the credit card will be lost, but many people are not in the credit card processing area, so the credit card can be reported lost and reissued in another place. Is it?
Can a credit card be reported lost and reissued in another place?
Credit cards cannot be reported lost and reissued in another place. You can only apply for reissue at the regional business outlets. There is no need to go to a business outlet to apply for a credit card loss report or reissue. Cardholders can call the credit card customer service number and follow the voice prompts to transfer to manual customer service. Apply to the customer service to report the credit card loss. After the application is successful, apply for a reissue of the credit card. After the credit card reissue is completed , the bank will send it to the cardholder.
When you need to pay attention, when applying for a new credit card, you should pay attention to whether the mailing address has been changed. If it has been changed, you need to modify the mailing address. If there is no need to change the mailing address, the bank will send the card to the original mailing address.