Are there any interest-free credit card loans? There are many ways to borrow money with a credit card interest-free. You can do it as follows: 1. Borrow money through credit card consumption. Many cardholders will go shopping with relatives and friends during holidays. Although they may not need to buy, they That doesn’t mean credit cards are useless. Especially for cardholders who are in urgent need of cash flow, after relatives and friends have selected satisfactory products, they can take the initiative to use their credit cards to help pay, and then ask the other party to transfer the money to themselves. During the period before the repayment date expires, cardholders can use the money interest-free and just pay it back on the repayment date. 2. Apply for credit card cash installment loans. Credit card cash installment loans are a common interest-free method of borrowing money. However, this does not mean that there are no fees. Cardholders must pay an installment fee for each installment. But unlike interest, the installment fee is the same every month, depending on the number of credit card installments. If cardholders want a longer interest-free period, it is recommended that they apply for credit card cash installments after the bill comes out. In this way, after the cash installment is successful, the amount owed in the first installment will be included in the next installment's credit card bill, and the payment will be due next month. Repayment will be made on the due date. In addition to installment repayment, cash installment also supports one-time repayment in advance. If cardholders have relevant needs, they can consult the card issuer in detail. The above is the relevant introduction to "Is there any interest-free credit card loan?" I hope it will be helpful to everyone.