Nowadays, there are a huge number of credit cards issued on the market, and it is not surprising that some cardholders have more than ten credit cards in their hands. So when applying for credit cards, does it say how many credit cards is appropriate for one person to apply for? There is no fixed answer to this question as to how many credit cards are appropriate for one person to apply for. Everyone’s needs for applying for credit cards will be different, and the number of credit cards will not be the same. There is an inevitable connection with credit reporting. However, suggestions can be given to different groups of people, and applicants can consider them appropriately when applying for a card.
For ordinary salarymen, 3-5 credit cards are enough. Working-class people don't have a lot of expenses and consumption. They usually use credit cards for personal life expenses. When applying for a credit card, they also focus on credit card activities. This way, they can not only enjoy major discounts, but also increase the total limit of their credit cards. , and the number of credit cards is not large and easy to manage.
If you are doing business or have a large need for capital turnover, you can apply for 5-10 tickets. Business people often need to circulate funds, and using credit cards is a good way. Compared with bank loans, the advantages of credit cards are too obvious. Credit cards have a maximum interest-free period of nearly 55 days. Cardholders can use this interest-free period to reduce the cost of funds. Another thing is that you don’t have to wait for approval and can be used anytime and anywhere.
The number of credit cards you apply for will not affect your personal credit report. If you fail to repay the loan in time and become overdue, even one loan will have an impact on your credit report. If you know how to manage credit cards, even if you apply for 20 credit cards, and can make timely repayments without overdue payments, there will be no impact on your credit report.