If you use a credit card, you can enjoy interest-free treatment as long as you pay in full before the due repayment date; If the minimum repayment amount is repaid in full before the due repayment date, it will not enjoy the interest-free treatment of consumption, and the interest will be calculated at the daily interest rate of 0.5 ‰ from the transaction entry date; If you use a credit card to overdraw cash, there will be a handling fee and interest. The domestic withdrawal fee is 0.5% of the cash withdrawal amount, ranging from 2 yuan to 50 yuan. Interest shall be charged at 0.5 ‰ per day from the date of cash withdrawal, and compound interest shall be calculated on a monthly basis. The repayment date is 20 days after the bill date.
No matter whether it is consumption or cash withdrawal, at least the minimum repayment amount should be paid before the due repayment date, otherwise it will not only generate interest, but also late payment fees and affect credit records. The late payment fee is 5% of the unpaid part of the minimum repayment amount, with the minimum 5 yuan.