What is it that you can't get a car loan? There may be many friends who have doubts, not to say that the number of credit cards does not affect the car loan, so how can I handle the car loan myself? In fact, this reason is not because of the number of your credit cards, but probably because your credit card limit is overdrawn.
If you overdraw more than 80% of each card and repay it in installments or only the minimum repayment amount, then the bank will think that you have no spending power and that you are in debt, so naturally you will not be allowed to apply for a car loan.
Another situation is that your credit card is often overdue, like a bad credit record. If the circumstances are serious, it is very difficult to apply for a car loan.
You can rest assured that the number of credit cards will not affect your car loan, but if your credit card limit is overdrawn or overdue, you are unlikely to apply for a car loan.