Since the bank launched the credit card service, the social evaluation of credit cards has been mixed. No matter how you evaluate it, the number of people applying for credit cards is always increasing every year. Many cardholders have asked, what will happen if the credit card is repaid in advance? Why is credit card prepayment a taboo? what about prepayment by credit card? In fact, credit card prepayment has limited impact on cardholders. Credit cards can be repaid on the repayment date at the latest, and cardholders can repay at other times, such as spending on the same day and repaying the next day. From the bank's point of view, I definitely hope that cardholders will repay as soon as possible, because early repayment reduces the bank's capital cost. Under normal circumstances, the repayment order of credit card is that the bill has been paid first, and then the bill has not been paid. The rest of the money becomes "overpayment", and the credit card consumption will default to paying the overpayment first. Some banks charge a handling fee to take out the credit card overpayment, which needs to attract the attention of cardholders. Whether it is full or partial payment, the credit limit of the cardholder's credit card will be restored, but the repayment amount paid will be restored. If the current bill is not paid on the last repayment date, there will be a late payment fee, which may also affect the cardholder's credit record.
why is prepayment by credit card a taboo? The reason why many people don't advocate repaying credit card bills in advance is because the purpose of issuing credit cards by banks is to stimulate cardholders' consumption. If cardholders only use them for a short time and then repay them, the benefits of credit cards cannot be maximized. Then, in the face of such users submitting applications for loans or credit cards again, banks will generally take refusal measures. In addition, whether it is prepayment or overdue repayment, it is a breach of contract in the eyes of most banks. It will make banks question the consumer demand of customers. Therefore, in order to avoid wasting resources, banks will generally take measures to reduce the amount, which will have an adverse impact on future credit card withdrawals. The above is the sharing of "What will happen to credit card prepayment", hoping to help everyone!