Credit cards can have limits. Generally speaking, credit card limits are divided into two situations, one is limited by the bank, and the other is the credit card holder's initiative. So how long does it usually take for CITIC Bank's credit card limit to be restored? The following is a detailed introduction to the two situations of credit card limit.
How long does it take for CITIC Bank’s credit card limit to be restored?
1 Bank limit: CITIC Bank’s credit card is subject to bank card limit, which can be divided into two situations. One is when the consumption on the day exceeds the bank’s regulations. The single-day consumption limit can usually be restored the next day; if the credit card is limited due to illegal operations, you need to provide relevant certificates to the bank to apply for lifting the limit, which usually takes 13 working days.
2 Cardholder active limit: Many users will set the credit card transaction limit in order to prevent excessive consumption. In this case, the credit card holder only needs to modify the credit card limit through online banking. .
The above is an introduction to the content of CITIC Bank credit card limit first. What needs to be reminded is that when using credit cards, you must avoid illegal operations. Credit card limits can be lifted, but if the card is blocked directly, it will be more serious.