If your repayments are normal and you have never been overdue, there is no reason for the bank to lower your credit card limit under normal circumstances. \x0d\ You don't have to worry about credit problems. As long as your repayments are normal, the bank will not put you on the People's Bank of China's blacklist, and you will have no problem applying for credit cards from other banks. \x0d\ The reason I mentioned before that the bank suspects you of using your card to cash out is just my personal idea, because if this happens often, the amount will be larger. Maybe you will use 40,000 yuan in a month, and the bank can query you every month. Always trade at the same location. \x0d\ There may be other reasons for reducing the limit. You can apply to restore your credit limit, but it will be difficult to restore it to normal levels in a short period of time. The bank will definitely have an inspection period, and this process takes time. \x0d\ I suggest you call the credit card center to complain about this matter. It is a complaint. You have to stand in the position of God to reflect this matter. Be rational and ask them why you repaid the money in full and on time. The limit was reduced? Ask for directions first and see how they respond to you.