1. The credit card will run out. Some people will rely on credit cards to make a living. When one credit card needs to be repaid, he will borrow another credit card to fill the hole. At first, he will find this method quite good and useful. But as he fills in more and more money, he will eventually borrow all the channels he can. When all the channels are exhausted, he will suddenly find that he has no more money to fill the previous hole. Moreover, the previous hole will generate more interest and need more money to pay off debts.
After you have borrowed all your credit cards, you will find that you have been stuck in a lot of debts and there is no way out. At this time, this person will be very anxious and will borrow money from other friends, colleagues and family members to try to fill this hole. If we can borrow money to fill this hole, then the debt will stop here. If we don't fill this loophole, then we will enter the next process.
3. Become a faithless person If he can't fill this loophole, he will be taken to court in the end and eventually become a faithless person. After a person becomes a faithless person, his bank card may be frozen, and he will not be able to make high consumption or fly. There will be a lot of inconvenience in life, so you can only use cash.
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