Be clear that personal loans and credit cards are two different credit products. Even if they are both bank businesses, loans are reviewed by the loan department, and credit cards are reviewed by the credit card center. , generally there is no hard requirement to apply for a credit card for a loan.
As long as the borrower meets the basic requirements for the loan product, such as being over 1860 years old, having no bad credit record, and having stable solvency, you can get a loan.
Of course, different types of loans may have additional requirements. For example, when applying for a mortgage loan, you also need to provide proof of ownership of the collateral, etc.
Many people become blacklisted for online loans after being overdue. However, in addition to being overdue, people with poor long-term borrowing conditions will also be blacklisted for online loans. For details, you can go to: Balloon Check to check your long positions. Borrowing situation, long-term lending mainly refers to the recent application status of individuals at lending institutions. It is recommended to give yourself a break first and stop all lending-related operations within three months. After three months, the natural risk index will be reduced and the blacklist will be reduced. will be eliminated.
Extended information:
Is it easy to get a loan if you have a credit card?
Although it is not mandatory to apply for a credit card for personal loans, if the borrower has a good credit card before taking the loan, it can play an even more powerful role in the loan and improve the loan success rate to a certain extent.
After all, applying for a credit card can help the borrower get rid of the status of a white bank account, and it can develop a good credit record through timely repayment.
When the bank reviews the loan, it finds that the borrower has a good credit record, which means that the borrower has a good willingness to repay and has a good repayment ability.
Compared with other borrowers who have never taken out a loan, never applied for a credit card, and have a blank credit report, borrowers with credit cards will have lower risks and are more likely to be favored by banks.