As we all know, credit cards are organized by cards, such as UnionPay, VISA, MasterCard and JCB. Card organizations will settle their credit cards separately. A single label card refers to a credit card with only one card organization logo. The most commonly used RMB card is the single-label card of UnionPay.
Can VISA single label cards be used in China?
Yes, but you need to use the settlement channel of VISA, such as the all-currency card of China Merchants Bank and the all-currency card of CITIC.
It is worth noting that VISA single-label cards are all US dollar accounts when swiping cards, so swiping VISA single-label cards in China will face two kinds of losses:
1, VISA charges 1%-2% conversion fee;
2. It is the exchange rate difference between RMB and USD (the exchange rate difference also includes exchange rate changes caused by different conversion times).
Due to various reasons, at present, there are not many places in China that use all-currency cards, and only a few large shopping malls/supermarkets support them.