actually, it is not simple for a bank to stop paying, which will affect our credit information. Usually, the types of credit card stop payment include loss reporting card, overdue credit card, supplementary card that the main card requires to stop payment, and emergency payment card in this period. If this happens to us at ordinary times, we should first call the bank's credit card customer service center to apply for stopping payment, followed by my ID card, credit card and credit card credentials to apply at the front desk of the card issuing center.
In addition, the bank has stopped paying because of our own operation. At this time, we must explain the situation to the bank, otherwise the payment stop status of the credit card will not change, and it will always be stopped. In particular, the stop payment caused by overdue behavior will become a bad credit record, which will affect personal credit information.
if the credit card is "stopped", can it be cancelled?
1. The bank actively "stops payment"
Generally speaking, the bank will stop your credit card directly when the credit card is out of date for more than 3 months and fails after at least 2 reminders, which is what we call "stop payment".
However, it is relatively difficult to unblock the payment stopped by the bank. Usually, you have to give sufficient reasons to prove that your overdue and illegal use is not intentional, so that the bank will consider lifting it for you as appropriate.
2. The cardholder voluntarily applies
For a credit card that voluntarily asks the bank to stop payment, it is similar to our usual "loss reporting", and the cardholder can ask the bank to cancel the payment stop status.
"stop payment" is mainly a "way" for banks to protect the safety of using their cards. It is relatively simple for individuals to apply for stop payment. If it is paid by banks, it will be very troublesome to open it. Therefore, all card friends must pay attention to their card habits in peacetime, remember the billing time and pay back in time, so as not to cause overdue.