no. You must change your card when it expires.
The card will definitely not be used when it expires. However, China Merchants Bank will automatically issue a new card with the same card type, the same card number and an extension of three years' validity to the cardholder's billing address about 3 days before the expiration-as long as the current card is not overdue, it will be automatically issued.
normally, a new card that expires in December should be automatically renewed in November. if it is not received, it is suggested that the cardholder call customer service to see if it has been issued but not received or for other reasons.
if it has not been received yet, it is suggested that the cardholder of this card (whoever has the name printed on the card face) should dial 4825555 or 8825555 to enter Chinese service, then press 1 to enter cardholder service, and then press 9 to transfer to manual service, and ask whether the specific new card has been issued. If not, urge them to issue it as soon as possible; If the cardholder's billing address changes, please talk to the customer service and update the address information so as not to receive it.