How good is CFA?
CFA is still good in China today. CFA exam, as the first exam in global finance, is highly recognized internationally. Even if you have only passed CFA level, it means that you have the most needed knowledge reserve in the financial industry. Moreover, many financial institutions explicitly give priority to CFA adopters or adopters at all levels in recruitment, which has obvious advantages in job hunting. CFA certificate can prove that you are a person who has studied hard in this industry, and the certificate is also the crystallization of your wisdom and sweat. And after passing the CFA exam, you can gain a foothold in the financial industry, but this foothold is a virtuous circle, and your customers are endless. For those users who have customers, they don't have certificates, and their customers will find another job later because the technology can't be verified. For specific matters, please consult professional organizations in detail. Among many educational institutions, Gao Dun's education is cost-effective. Gao Dun Education has always been committed to building a lifelong financial education service system, serving the national economic construction, the training of domestic financial professionals and the lifelong education needs of financial professionals. As a training institution, always keeping in mind its mission, reputation and professionalism are the reasons why students and customers trust it, and also the eternal pursuit goal of Gao Dun.