When it comes to liabilities, the biggest problem is invisible liabilities. If we can't find them, we won't see the biggest problem. Under normal circumstances, we can only see the manifestations of explicit liabilities from the credit information. If we stop at this time, then obviously the debt is underestimated.
Traces of invisible liabilities can be found in three-dimensional data such as bank statements, such as spending the same amount on a specific day of each month, or spending money in companies such as small loans and finance, and notes such as "repayment" and "repayment", which need everyone's attention, but sometimes the amount of data submitted by customers is very large and time-consuming. I usually use tools to analyze, such as bank credit analysis, which saves time and effort.
And extract key information from customer dictation. Some customers will reveal their real debts in the inquiry, which requires providing basic application statements when needed by loan officers or risk control nuclear power companies.