Tongda Credit Support Automatic Line Drawing Index Formula (for reference only)
Five-day deviation rate: = (c-aa05)/aa05 *100;
BB05:=ATAN((AA05/REF(AA05, 1)- 1)* 100)* 180/3. 14 16;
Speed 5: = SMA (EMA ((AA05-REF (AA05, 1))/REF (AA05, 1), 3) *100,3,1);
Acceleration 5:EMA ((speed 5-REF (speed 5, 1)), 3), NODRAW.
AA 10:=MA(C, 10);
AA20:=MA(C,20); bb 10:= ATAN((aa 10/REF(aa 10, 1)- 1)* 100)* 180/3. 14 16;
30-day deviation rate: = (c-aa30)/aa30 *100;
VAR 1 1:=(AA20-AA30)>REF((AA20-AA30), 1)
And AA20 & gtREF(AA20, 1) and AA30 & gtREF(AA30,1);
var 22:=(AA30-AA20)aa 30 bb 30:= ATAN((AA30/REF(AA30, 1)- 1)* 100)* 180/3. 14 16;
Strong sniper: = filter (BB30 & gt30 and bb10 > 45 and
Cross (bb05,60),10);
Masukura: = filter (count (cross (bb05,30), 5)>= 1 and
AA05 & gtRef (AA05, 1) and 30-day deviation rate >: Ref (30-day deviation rate, 1) and
aa 10 & gt; REF(AA 10, 1)
And acceleration 5 >REF (acceleration 5, 1) and speed 5 >; REF (speed 5, 1),10);
Clearance: = filter (count (cross (30, BB05), 5)>= 1 and (C & gtAA30 or O & gtAA30) and
AA05AA 10DRAWICON (jiacang, low * 0.99,23);
DRAWICON (clearance, height *1.01.15);
DRAWICON (strong sniper, low * 0.99,13);
TYP := (high+low+near)/3;
CCI 1:=(TYP- Ma (TYP, 6))/(0.0 15*AVEDEV(TYP, 6));
Difference 1:=ABS(REF(CCI 1, 1)-CCI 1), LINETHICK0.
CCI 2:=(TYP- Ma (TYP,10))/(0.015 * Avedev (typ,10));
Difference 2: = ABS (ref (CCI 2, 1)-CCI 2), LINETHICK0.
CCI 3:=(TYP- Ma (TYP, 20))/(0.0 15*AVEDEV(TYP, 20));
Difference 3:=ABS(REF(CCI3, 1)-CCI3), LINETHICK0.
CCI 4:=(TYP- Ma (TYP, 30))/(0.0 15*AVEDEV(TYP, 30));
Difference 4: = ABS (ref (CCI 4, 1)-CCI 4), LINETHICK0.
CCI 5:=(TYP- Ma (TYP, 60))/(0.0 15*AVEDEV(TYP, 60));
Difference 5: = ABS (ref (CCI5, 1)-CCI5), LINETHICK0.
AAA:=(3 * C+H+L+O)/6;
VAR 1:=(8*AAA+7*REF(AAA, 1)+6*REF(AAA,2)+5*REF(AAA,3)+4*REF(AAA,4)+3*REF(AAA,5)+2*REF(AAA,6)+REF(AAA,8))/36;
VAR2:=(HHV(VAR 1,5)+HHV(VAR 1, 10)+HHV(VAR 1,20))/3;
VAR3:=(LLV(VAR 1,5)+LLV(VAR 1, 10)+LLV(VAR 1,20))/3;
VAR4:=(HHV(VAR2,5)+HHV(VAR2, 10)+HHV(VAR2,20))/3;
VAR5:=(LLV(VAR3,5)+LLV(VAR3, 10)+LLV(VAR3,20))/3;
VAR6:=(LLV(VAR 1,2)+LLV(VAR 1,4)+LLV(VAR 1,6))/3;
Short line: VAR 1, COLORWHITE
Center line: VAR6, COLORYELLOW
TJ 1:= CCI 1 & gt; Difference 4;
Heap number: = filter (TJ 1, 0);
IF(BARSLAST = 3, 1,0));
Established1:= tj2;
Conditional holding 1:=FILTER (holding 1, 5);
TJ 1 1: = CCI1number of piles 2: = filter (TJ11,0);
TJ22:=IF(BARSLAST = 1 and close > REF (high, 1), 1,
If (BARSLAST) = 2 and close > REF(HIGH, 2), 1,
If (barlast (2) = 3 and close >;; REF(HIGH,3), 1,0));
Established 2: = tj22;
Conditional hold 2:=FILTER (hold 2,5);
TJ 1 1 1:=(ABS(CCI 1)>; CCI and ABS (difference 1)>ABS (difference 5))
OR (VOL=HHV(VOL, 10) and VOL & gt2*REF(VOL, 1) and close & gtvar1);
Pile number 3: = filter (TJ111,5);
TJ222:=IF(BARSLAST (number of piles 3)= 1 and close & gtREF (high, 1), 1, IF(BARSLAST) = 2 and close >; REF (high, 2), 1. REF(HIGH,3), 1,0));
Breakthrough 3: = tj222 =1;
Velcro tape (closed down! = VAR6, REF (BARSLAST)),
Velcro tape (closed down! = VAR6, REF(LOW, BARSLAST (bet amount 3)),
TJ3:=IF(BARSLAST = 1 and close > REF (low, 1), 1, IF(BARSLAST) = 2 and close > REF (low, 2), 1, IF(BARSLAST (pile quantity) REF(LOW,3), 1,0)));
Three-day rule: = tj3 =1;
Established: = three-day rule and breakthrough 3;
The condition is true: =FILTER (true, 5);
TJ3 1:=(VOL=HHV(VOL, 10) and VOL & gt2*REF(VOL, 1) and close & gt var1);
TJ32:=FILTER(TJ3 1, 1);
If (the condition is established, it will fall! = VAR6 and AA30 & gt=REF(AA30, 1), H* 1.03, DRAWNULL), CROSSDOT, LINETHICK6, COLORFF33FF.
If (the condition is established, it will fall! = VAR6 and AA30 & gt=REF(AA30, 1), H* 1.03, DRAWNULL), POINTDOT, LINETHICK4, COLOR00CCFF.
Adhesion line (C & gt=O, l, h, 0,0), COLORRED
Adhesion line (C>O, C, O, 3.2, 0), COLORRED
STICKLINE( 1,C,O,2.8,0),COLOR454500
STICKLINE( 1,C,O,2,0),COLOR555500
STICKLINE( 1,C,O, 1.5,0),COLOR656500
STICKLINE( 1,C,O, 1,0),COLOR757500
STICKLINE( 1,C,O,0.5,0),COLOR858500
STICKLINE (bet amount, c, o, 2.8,0), COLOR000045.
STICKLINE (bet amount, c, o, 2.8,0), COLOR000065
STICKLINE (bet amount, c, o, 2, 0), COLOR000085.
STICKLINE (bet amount, c, o,1.5,0), COLOR0000A5
STICKLINE (bet amount, c, o, 1, 0), COLOR0000C5.
STICKLINE (bet amount, c, o, 0.5,0), COLOR0000E5
DRAWICON (condition 1, REF (high, BARSLAST)),12);
DRAWICON (condition 2, REF(LOW, BARSLAST)),11);