First, master learning skills.
First of all, we should understand that the 202 1 futures practice exam is a qualification exam, which is much easier than the note exam. What you read and remember in the book will definitely pass, and you don't need to play and improve too much. Everyone should have confidence and believe in their own strength and ability.
Especially for this level of calculation problems, we must stick to it and learn it from beginning to end. It became clear to me later. Later, I especially liked to do calculation problems. I hope my friends can feel this way in the end, so you should have no problem passing. It is suggested that the basic textbooks should be read at least 3 times from beginning to end and the regulations at least 5 times.
Second, the basic part review
Take a closer look at the examples in the key chapters. Many questions are basically modified according to examples, and examples are very easy to understand. Hedging is a form of hedging, which accounts for a large proportion. Many calculation problems come from this form. In fact, this form is easy to remember. Just remember one item and everything else is positive. Arbitrage is the key among the key points. We must be familiar with several arbitrage principles, and the last ten calculation problems all come from arbitrage. Options account for a large proportion, and there are also many calculation problems. Candidates must understand the examples in the book. It is necessary to pay enough attention to margin settlement.
Third, review laws and regulations.
Candidates need to be familiar with the provisions and read them repeatedly, especially where numbers are involved. Familiarity with the terms is the key to passing laws and regulations.
Fourth, candidates should adapt to the computer test.
I believe everyone knows that the futures qualification examination is a form of computer examination. I believe this is not suitable for some novice candidates, so we must practice more in peacetime and adapt in advance. A system that can't operate the exam, no matter how good your knowledge is, is useless, so everyone must realize the importance of computerized exam operation.